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org.apache.sqoop.lib (Sqoop 1.4.4 API)

Package org.apache.sqoop.lib

Interface Summary
FieldMappable Interface describing a class capable of returning a map of the fields of the object to their values.
FieldMapProcessor Interface implemented by classes that process FieldMappable objects.

Class Summary
BigDecimalSerializer Serialize BigDecimal classes to/from DataInput and DataOutput objects.
BlobRef BlobRef is a wrapper that holds a BLOB either directly, or a reference to a file that holds the BLOB data.
BooleanParser Parse string representations of boolean values into boolean scalar types.
ClobRef ClobRef is a wrapper that holds a CLOB either directly, or a reference to a file that holds the CLOB data.
DelimiterSet Encapsulates a set of delimiters used to encode a record.
FieldFormatter Static helper class that will help format data with quotes and escape chars.
JdbcWritableBridge Contains a set of methods which can read db columns from a ResultSet into Java types, and do serialization of these types to/from DataInput/DataOutput for use with Hadoop's Writable implementation.
LargeObjectLoader Contains a set of methods which can read db columns from a ResultSet into Java types, and do serialization of these types to/from DataInput/DataOutput for use with Hadoop's Writable implementation.
LobRef<DATATYPE,CONTAINERTYPE,ACCESSORTYPE> Abstract base class that holds a reference to a Blob or a Clob.
LobSerializer Serialize LOB classes to/from DataInput and DataOutput objects.
RecordParser Parses a record containing one or more fields.
SqoopRecord Interface implemented by the classes generated by sqoop's orm.ClassWriter.

Exception Summary
ProcessingException General error during processing of a SqoopRecord.
RecordParser.ParseError An error thrown when parsing fails.

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