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Uses of Class com.cloudera.sqoop.lib.DelimiterSet (Sqoop 1.4.4 API)

Uses of Class

Packages that use DelimiterSet

Uses of DelimiterSet in com.cloudera.sqoop.lib

Fields in com.cloudera.sqoop.lib declared as DelimiterSet
static DelimiterSet DelimiterSet.DEFAULT_DELIMITERS
static DelimiterSet DelimiterSet.HIVE_DELIMITERS
static DelimiterSet DelimiterSet.MYSQL_DELIMITERS

Methods in com.cloudera.sqoop.lib that return DelimiterSet
 DelimiterSet DelimiterSet.copy()
          Deprecated. Identical to clone() but does not throw spurious exceptions.

Methods in com.cloudera.sqoop.lib with parameters of type DelimiterSet
static java.lang.String FieldFormatter.escapeAndEnclose(java.lang.String str, DelimiterSet delimiters)
          Deprecated. Takes an input string representing the value of a field, encloses it in enclosing chars, and escapes any occurrences of such characters in the middle.
static java.lang.String FieldFormatter.hiveStringDropDelims(java.lang.String str, DelimiterSet delimiters)
          Deprecated. only pass fields that are strings when --hive-drop-delims option is on.
static java.lang.String FieldFormatter.hiveStringReplaceDelims(java.lang.String str, java.lang.String replacement, DelimiterSet delimiters)
          Deprecated. replace hive delimiters with a user-defined string passed to the --hive-delims-replacement option.

Constructors in com.cloudera.sqoop.lib with parameters of type DelimiterSet
RecordParser(DelimiterSet delimitersIn)

Uses of DelimiterSet in org.apache.sqoop.lib

Methods in org.apache.sqoop.lib with parameters of type DelimiterSet
static java.lang.String FieldFormatter.escapeAndEnclose(java.lang.String str, DelimiterSet delimiters)
          Takes an input string representing the value of a field, encloses it in enclosing chars, and escapes any occurrences of such characters in the middle.
static java.lang.String FieldFormatter.hiveStringDropDelims(java.lang.String str, DelimiterSet delimiters)
          This drops all default Hive delimiters from the string and passes it on.
static java.lang.String FieldFormatter.hiveStringReplaceDelims(java.lang.String str, java.lang.String replacement, DelimiterSet delimiters)
          replace hive delimiters with a user-defined string passed to the --hive-delims-replacement option.
abstract  java.lang.String SqoopRecord.toString(DelimiterSet delimiters)
          Format output data according to the specified delimiters.
 java.lang.String SqoopRecord.toString(DelimiterSet delimiters, boolean useRecordDelim)
          Format the record according to the specified delimiters.

Constructors in org.apache.sqoop.lib with parameters of type DelimiterSet
RecordParser(DelimiterSet delimitersIn)

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